On September 21st, our Board Installation was held at The Old Forestville Schoolhouse, in Great Falls. Sally Andrew Pyne & Lindsay Harper welcomed the many attendees of supporters and committee members to the meeting and overviewed the wonderful success and momentum The Fund had achieved by the generous giving of time, skills and funds, citing in the past 18 months the amount of money raised at the last three events, amounted to $170,000 which had been raised.
The impact of the success of the fundraising is outlined in the Final Community Report and many of the recipients of the scholarships will be attending the upcoming Fall Soiree. Sally Andrew Pyne formally installed the NEW 2023/2024 leadership, to include two NEW positions on the Board for Grants & Events, making the Board a total of 9. President, Lindsay Harper, thanked the committee, board and supporters for the record breaking success of The Fund and thanked President Emeritus, Sally Andrew Pyne for her vision, leadership and stewardship of The Fund during her two year tenure.